January UPDATE 2022

Happy New Year everyone! We made it! 2021 was a tough year worldwide. Some of our loved ones went on to be with Jesus. For many others of us, we experienced some hardships and some setbacks, but the word of the Lord says, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

The Father ABSOLUTELY has a plan for your life. God is not afraid of what is going on in the world today, and the Lord is not slack in fulfilling His promises. This year, with the heart of PRAISE, let's press on toward the goal towards the prize that God has set out for us!


happy birthday emerie!

We had a JAMMED PACKED birthday weekend, celebrating Emerie's 7th birthday! The cake and sugar were FLYING!

Our Mentors Nils and Andrea Olson hosted the girls with learning about Native Alaskan culture, presents and cake.

We then had the opportunity to go to a birthday party to celebrate another young lady whose birthday was on the SAME DAY! The girls made some new friends and we all had a great time! Malaysia also had the opportunity to share the gospel with some of the parents there. Their hearts were open and we are planning the next time we can meet this family!

We ended the celebrations with a party at our home with a few of Emerie's friends from church. We ate pizza, cake, and went to a trampoline park! You can view more pictures here on our online newsletter!

Special thanks to our partners

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say thank you to our partners. Thank you so much for being with us on this journey here in Japan. With your financial support we have been able to travel to different cities, share the love of God in those cities, learn the language here in Japan, it's so much more. Thank you so much for believing in what God wants to do in this nation through us. And we pray that you continue to support the effort.

Join our partnership team

If you feel connected with what God is doing with us or in the nation of Japan become a monthly partner with us! We are still needing monthly financial supporters for costs associated with creating media to reach the Japanese people, language learning, the girls ballet, and transportation to different areas around Japan. Click the button below for more information.

saved from suicide!

A man that Lawrence literally chased down that had a shirt on that said, "I belong to Jesus" a few months ago called Lawrence this month wanting to commit suicide! He was hysterical and crying and really bummed because his job just fired him without notice. Although he is Japanese, being from the island of Okinawa, with the history that the people on that island of Japan have with the mainland, he felt super rejected by Japan. His name is "Kaz".

Lawrence was able to pray with him and talk him down. He told Lawrence on the call, "you saved my life.." because of the time given on the call, and the recollection of the first time that the two met truly registering in Kaz's heart that God loves him and has a plan for his life.

After the call, Lawrence sent him the following message:

Hey brother!

This is Lawrence. I am so happy I have your number now!!

As I was praying for you, this scripture came to me. 

”He was despised and rejected. A man of sorrows acquainted with grief.”
Isaiah 53:3. 

Jesus knows how you feel. He came to bring you life and the enemy came to bring death. 

God has a purpose for you. And because of your call today, you will have so many more friends praying for you and with you. 

I am happy to finally contact you and begin our journey to learn more about Jesus together!!

Kaz replied:

To Mr Mcclure, a true servant of God:

I cannot express my deepest glatitude to you, with tears in my eyes, being alone at home now.

Sometimes I have seen your daughter being on her own at school, in and outa the classroom.

And I’d really sympathize with her, ‘cos I can image what most of those so-called schoolteachers with very little love would do to her and think about her.

I do believe what you said over the phone and your messages above, and I shall hang on and stay alive in your sincere prayer. I also promise my future visit to Bethel Church in February, so please remember me and keep in touch. Thank you very much indeed.
— Kaz

PRAISE THE LORD! This is only the beginning. There is still a long way to go. Lawrence will try to be in contact with him in the days ahead, but please pray God will give this man a miracle new job and that he and Lawrence can grow in the word together to get him activated in the Kingdom of God!

mission trip in okinawa

We will be going on a mission trip the 2nd week of February to the island of Okinawa. Considering the recent story about Kaz, it seems this mission is truly divine. We are taking the whole family to meet up with a group of missionaries from around Japan to do training, activation in evangelism in Japan, as well as have times for encouraging one another. This is truly a much-needed way to begin this wonderful year that is in the making!

Please keep us in your prayers for this trip for safety when traveling there and back. Also, if you would like to contribute to this trip, please click this link to support! Your support is always greatly appreciated.

munakata bethel christian center!

If you would like to see our service from this past Sunday, the video is below. Although it is all in Japanese, we pray you can see the heart of our people and where God is taking us! If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

Prayer requests:

NEW English Evangelism!!
Lawrence began teaching the ladies English and has even added a new student. All have had the opportunity to come to our church and enjoyed themselves. Please continue to pray that this teaching English opportunity to be an open door to share the gospel and reach more souls!

For the Lord to Send Laborers
Please pray that the Lord would send laborers to our church. We are believing God for musicians and translators. We truly feel we are on the cusp of a breakthrough, and when these laborers are finally able to join us, we believe this will expand what God is doing through our ministry!

Need New Partners
Please pray about becoming a financial partner with us. You can become a partner by clicking this link. Also, pray that God would send other means of partnership to us.

How can we pray for YOU?!
God has been truly working in our lives here in Japan and we are so grateful. We are also very grateful for your continued support and encouragement. How are you doing? What has God been speaking to you about recently? Do you have any prayer requests? Truly, let us know by responding to this email or clicking this link.