the mcclures

Serving in Japan

our story!

We are Lawrence and Malaysia McClure. Our mission is to replicate our model for planting healthy churches in Japan that is easily understood and practical for the Japanese people to apply. We alongside our three beautiful daughters, Emerie, Eliana, and Eleanor are serving in a local church in a small city in Japan, with Lawrence serving as Pastor. We also do mission outreaches and create discipleship training material. We are so excited to embark on this journey together with you!

The nations have always been a huge part of our life. We have been involved in international ministry for eight years. After completing a ten-month discipleship training program at our local church, the Lord called us to move to S. Korea to serve at a church in a small rural town that Malaysia had previously served at in 2015. We saw God move in miraculous ways through salvation, healing miracles, divine provision and much more as we engaged in community.

In 2017, after having our second child, we felt led to return to America and focus on developing our young family to prepare our hearts to one day return to share the gospel of Jesus in Asia again.