Malaysia, Emerie and I (Left) standing next to MBCC founders’ son and daughter-in-law, the founders of MBCC (Center) and the Xaviers (right).

Malaysia, Emerie, and Lawrence (Left) standing next to MBCC founders’ son and daughter-in-law, the founders of MBCC (Center) and the Xaviers (right).


God has called our family to invest our lives in sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with the Japanese people. We are serving Munakata Bethel Christian Center (MBCC) as Missionary Pastor. Our focus is to invest in the mothers and fathers of this body to reach the next generation of leaders among the youth and young adults in the city of Munakata. As appointed, licensed missionaries through Bethel Fellowship International, we serve as Missionary Pastor alongside the founder of the church Nils Olson.

Me preaching on our recent trip to Japan with our translator Emi.

Lawrence preaching on Japan scouting trip in May 2019 with translator Emi.

Our Goal

Our goal is to create a model for healthy church-planting in Japan that is easily understood and practical for the Japanese people to apply.

We also aim to live an authentic Christian life on purpose that inspires the local church to grow in their faith. We desire to see this church grow wide as much as it grows deep. We are so honored and excited to serve the Lord and His people in Japan.



We build spiritually safe and healthy church planting churches that influence cities for the Kingdom of God. This vision is supported by and centered around a 4-pillar healthy-church model of the word of God, prayer, fellowship, and evangelism.

About MBCC

Munakata Bethel Christian Center (MBCC) is a church plant from Bethel Fellowship International. MBCC was founded in 1983 by Nils and Andrea Olson who have been in Japan 40 plus years. The church is in the city of Munakata which is in the Fukuoka Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Japan's southernmost main island with a population of about 100,000 and growing. MBCC is a Spirit-filled local Japanese church of about 50 who attend on a regular basis. They are one of ten churches in town, heeding the unchanged call and mission of the Bible: To make disciples, baptize, grow and edify the church, teach, worship, fellowship, and evangelize together. We are excited to partner with MBCC to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ to the Japanese people!