The year is quickly drawing to a close. Can you believe it?! Well we have some updates for you and pray that you are encouraged with us on this journey to see a move of God here in Japan!

Celebrating 2 years!

We have officially been living in Japan for 2 years in October. In this time we have made wonderful relationships, seen God move in people's lives, growing our Japanese language, watching our beautiful daughters grow up, and had a new baby in a different country! We are so grateful to God for the opportunity to be here, and we're looking forward to seeing what he has for us in the future.

Special thanks to our partners

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say thank you to our partners. Thank you so much for being with us on this journey here in Japan. With your financial support we have been able to travel to different cities, share the love of God in those cities, learn the language here in Japan, it's so much more. Thank you so much for believing in what God wants to do in this nation through us. And we pray that you continue to support the effort.

Join our partnership team

If you feel connected with what God is doing with us or in the nation of Japan become a monthly partner with us! We are still needing monthly financial supporters for costs associated with creating media to reach the Japanese people, language learning, the girls ballet, and transportation to different areas around Japan. Click the button below for more information.

Hip pain healed!

Do you remember the lady who was delivered from the cult?! Her name is Sumako. She is seen in the picture with Lawrence below. Well, she is free, doing well, and her family is well also! She was recently dealing with some hip pain to the point where she could not walk for long periods of time. This caused her to become discouraged. We started a weekly event at our church called open house prayer. It is a time where the people of our church can freely come to pray and hear from God.


Sumako (left) and Lawrence (right). Sumako is doing well and is walking in freedom from a Japanese cult. Praise Jesus!


During an open house prayer event, Malaysia heard from the Holy Spirit that He wanted to heal our friend's hip condition. Malaysia and I went to the lady and told her. She believed and from there we began praying together. After we felt a release, we asked the lady to do what she couldn't do before. She got up and started walking. Her pain level decreased from an 8 to a 4. As she walked more she was surprised that her pain was going away! SHE EVEN STARTED TO RUN!! God is so good!

Translation: I am truly grateful to God for the fact that the McClures have come to Japan. Thanks to Mr. Lawrence, my life has changed a lot. Also, thanks to the prayers of Mrs. Malaysia and Mr. Lawrence, the hip joint of the left leg improved and healed completely. There is no end to raising them one by one. Thank you God!

Please keep our friend Sumako in your prayers. She has suffered two strokes and has high blood pressure. She is still hungry to know Jesus more and more.

Although her condition has caused her husband to worry about her, this caused him to come out to our church's bible study. This is his first time coming to church!! We were also surprised to learn that he and his wife had been reading the bible together! Now we have something more to believe for; the salvation of Sumako's husband. Let's pray that God continues to do a miraculous work through Sumako as she reaches her family through her witness of God's transforming power!

Sumako and her husband (purple arrows) at our church's bible study.


Malaysia has been discipling a couple of women at our church. They have been going deep in the Word together and experiencing a lot of breakthrough together. Not to mention, this opportunity has been providing Malaysia with the opportunity to grow in her Japanese language speaking skills!

Malaysia with the women that she disciples.

New Playhouse!

Lawrence built a new playhouse for the girls! Not only do the girls LOVE their new playhouse, but we also built this as a way to allow for our girls to invite their Japanese schoolmates to our house to play, and so that we can be intentional to build relationships with their parents to be able to share the love of Jesus with them. Please pray that God would pour out His Spirit on the playhouse and souls would be won to Jesus through such an unconventional means here in our city!

Preaching in Japanese More!

Starting in July of this year, Lawrence began preaching for 4 to 5 weeks at a time every other month.

Although this has been an incredibly challenging undertaking, it has had multiple benefits. We have seen the faith level increase at our church, the people's trust for us as leaders has increased, and not to mention, Lawrence's Japanese level continues to increase by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Eleanor is crawling!

Baby Eleanor is now 7 months! Time flies so fast! Eleanor's personality is that she is funny, she is a go-getter, and she loves her snuggles! Also, she has already begun crawling! She started at around 4 months. Check out this short video I made around that time!

Now that she is 7 months, she is absolutely a professional crawler. Please continue to pray for Eleanor's protection and health as she explores more of her world around her.

Prayer requests:

NEW English Evangelism!!
Some ladies randomly came to our house asking Lawrence to teach them English. They are a part of a "gospel choir" here in our city. A little interesting fact, Japanese people LOVE Gospel music. Pray that this becomes an open door to share the gospel and reach more souls.

For the Lord to Send Laborers
Please pray that the Lord would send laborers to our church. We are believing God for musicians and translators.

Need New Partners
We recently lost 3 partners due to various circumstances. Please pray about becoming a financial partner with us. You can become a partner by clicking this link. Also, pray that God would send other means of partnership to us.

How can we pray for YOU?!
God has been truly working in our lives here in Japan and we are so grateful. We are also very grateful for your continued support and encouragement. How are you doing? What has God been speaking to you recently? Do you have any prayer requests? Let us know by responding to this email or clicking this link.